How video games affect society

How video games affect society

Today it is proven that video games bring many positive moments to society. And it doesn’t matter what game methods the user chooses: behind the screen of a computer or smartphone, or maybe spending time visitingand placing bets there. One way or another, 3 billion people log into video games every day, and these numbers are only growing. What are the benefits of this for society? Read the article.

Along with the popularity of video games, the entire sector is growing, as well as sales of technology

The video game industry has gained some serious momentum in recent years. According to experts, the sphere is estimated at $145 billion, with half of the revenue coming from the mobile games market. This means that software companies are on the rise, paying huge taxes to the treasury of their governments. Like any developing niche, it is constantly creating new, high-paying jobs and requires more and more new employees.

In this way, video games improve the standard of living of professionals involved in the industry around the world.

Contribute to technological progress

Modern video games are actively developing, therefore they require more and more powerful devices and more and more memory. So thanks to video games, computers and smartphones are developing, people are looking for ways to transmit even more information over the Internet.

In addition, video games are an industry where new technologies are actively introduced. It is to them that we owe such devices as virtual reality glasses and helmets, interactive games and other innovations. Leading companies are working on new ways of interaction between the device and the person, so there is still a lot of discoveries ahead.

Video games have a beneficial effect on players

Video games occupy a large place in the life of a modern person, especially among young people. Moreover, as noted by the players themselves and now scientists, they have a beneficial effect on people and society as a whole. Here are some of the positive aspects of video games can be identified:

  • Video games lift your spirits and help relieve stress, which is a great alternative to bad habits like drinking alcohol or antidepressants.
  • Often entertainment programs involve interaction between users. In the conditions of overcoming difficult situations, users easily make new friends, and the quality of communication itself is often higher.
  • Video games allow players to understand what they are interested in. Oddly enough, 30% of the respondents that it was precisely such entertainment that helped them understand their hobbies, and not always in the IT world. Someone finds in themselves an interest in the study of history, others are drawn into music, others want to explore space – hobbies are very diverse. Note that the interests identified in such an unusual way, allow you to achieve better results.
  • Video games allow you to develop skills such as stress tolerance, reaction speed, teach you how to make decisions and develop imagination, while educational games also help you learn new things.

People who are satisfied with their lives work much more productively, which allows the economy to develop faster and improve the standard of living of the whole society.

Negative aspects of video games for society

Video games are not an absolute blessing. They are good when users do not spend all their time behind the screen, but play for fun. But for some, games become a dangerous addiction that develops into an addiction. Moreover, we are talking not only about gambling, the dangers of addiction to which are widely known, but also about ordinary video games that are freely available on smartphones or PCs.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on who is considered addicted, according to preliminary data in the world from 3 to 10% of people addicted to video games. Nevertheless, gambling, like any other addiction, knocks the player out of society, and an inactive lifestyle leads to health problems. In this case, the patient becomes a burden for society, a disaster for relatives and the state, who have to take care of the gambler. Therefore, the World Health Organization has included this addiction in the list of diseases.

How video games affect communication

Separately, it is worth highlighting the question of whether video games help to communicate or vice versa. In fact, many programs not only do not limit players in communication, they even encourage them to form teams. Association in groups and guilds leads to the creation of a cohesive team, fully satisfying the need of players for communication.

It should be noted that now video games are one of the topics for everyday conversations, and for teenagers and young people, the lack of experience in the game leads to isolation. So communication without such programs becomes more and more difficult even in everyday life.


Video games bring many positive aspects to the economy, allow the development of society and have a beneficial effect on the players themselves. But do not forget about the negative aspects. Video games, like everything in this world, can suddenly become a disaster if the user starts spending too much time in entertainment programs. So play video games, but don’t forget that there are many other aspects of life that also need attention.