Mobile Games Testing: Enhancing Quality for industry 

Girl is testing games on the laptop

Mobile Games Testing: Enhancing Quality for industry 

The mobile gaming industry is fiercely competitive in today’s market, with numerous games vying for attention and success. Within this landscape, game testing emerges as an integral component of the development process, encompassing a range of quality assurance activities to ensure the game’s smooth operation and optimal user experience.

In order to gain a thorough understanding of mobile game testing and what can be expected from different game testing services available out there today it is important to take a closer look at various types of commonly employed methods:

  1. The first type we have is mobile game load testing in which skilled quality assurance (QA) engineers carefully assess projected loads on games including optimum number of users along with other technical parameters involved with it intricately . Through rigorous examinations alongside this process  expectations become aligned with reality thereby best suited gaming experiences get ensured for every player involved.
  2. Second type is A/B testing mobile games where developers have the opportunity to test out numerous versions of distinct game features  in order to detect which one ends up being the most effective. This iterative process allows for fine tuning and optimization which eventually leads to an overall better game experience.
  3. Another major aspect in game testing services is mobile game compatibility testing. This process looks into how different games would operate across a wide range of targeted devices thereby accounting for various requirements and software configurations. 
  4. Security testing, also being a significant feature of the entire gaming system . Is conducted extensively for safeguarding user data and ensuring integrity of the information system. It involves identifying any possible vulnerabilities involved in realms such as confidentiality of user data , authentication processes , authorization access privileges along with ensuring that the system is working impeccably fine as a whole.
  5. And finally. Usability testing comes into play. With focus on player experience at its core it ensures that gamers have no difficulty navigating through the game smoothly . These tests might involve selected users who act as players thereby offering valuable feedback to developers aiding them to refine their games further.
  6. Localization testing is an important aspect of game development as it enables developers to adapt their games for different regions and cultures. This process involves thoroughly testing the game’s content to ensure that it is well suited for specific locations. Taking into account language settings and unique user experience characteristics. 
  7. Alpha testing plays a crucial role in the mobile gaming industry as it helps identify and rectify any bugs or issues that may have been overlooked during the development phase. Testers typically adopt a scripted approach during this stage to ensure comprehensive coverage of the game.
  8. Mobile game beta testing: Prior to the game’s market launch, beta testing involves engaging real users who provide valuable feedback. This feedback aids in making necessary improvements and adjustments to the game based on actual user experiences.

Despite the notion that mobile game testing may appear enjoyable, the reality is that QA engineers primarily focus on writing code and scripts rather than playing games. Their main objective is to ensure that the final outcome of the game aligns with both technical requirements and user expectations. This process demands meticulous attention to detail and an understanding of the intricacies involved in delivering a successful mobile gaming experience.

Here are some common challenges that testers commonly face during the mobile game testing process:

  • A variety of technical requirements must be taken into consideration in order to ensure that the game can reach as many users as possible. This includes adapting the game to different mobile devices, such as considering screen sizes, performance levels, software features, and potential technical limitations. 
  • Testers must be particularly mindful of security when accessing third party systems as there may be risks associated with handling data on mobile devices. Testing multiplayer games poses its own unique set of challenges. These games often involve conflicting features that can result in hard to resolve bugs. Additionally with multiple players comes a wide range of possible scenarios that increase the complexity of testing.

These challenges represent just a fraction of the daily hurdles that QA specialists must address. For a more comprehensive understanding of game testing, you can explore our detailed game testing guide, which offers additional information.

Mobile Game Testing Tips

To address common challenges and enhance the effectiveness of the mobile game QA process, here are some tips that can be applied in most testing scenarios:

  • Prepare for testing: Planning is crucial for every testing activity. Creating a comprehensive design using a professional game design document and breaking down tasks into subtasks can help organize the testing process effectively.
  • Set key metrics: Establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives to guide the testing process. QA engineers should understand the criteria that each tested game must meet.
  • Use A/B tests: Instead of relying on assumptions, conduct A/B tests to compare different options at various stages of the game. This approach helps identify the most effective features and design choices.
  • Pay attention to reports: While it may seem tedious, creating detailed reports is a vital part of QA. These reports highlight areas that require improvement, enabling the team to enhance the game’s quality.

While the key principles of mobile game testing are essential, specific details such as cross-platform testing considerations can significantly impact the overall outcome.

Girl is testing games on the computer

How to Conduct Mobile Game Testing for Different Operating Systems:

The world of mobile devices comprises numerous unique models with the majority running on either Android or iOS operating systems. Each OS has its own distinct technical requirements and peculiarities. Which necessitates different approaches to the QA process. Let’s delve into testing mobile game applications while taking into account the features of each operating system. Android game testing comes with certain peculiarities. 

It is crucial to consider the diversity of operating system versions when conducting tests for Android games. Each version is supported by a limited number of devices, which may have varying screen resolutions. 

To ensure comprehensive coverage QA engineers should specify detailed conditions in their testing scripts. Unlike Apple’s iOS users of Android devices can download apps and files from sources other than the official Play Market Store. This provides an advantage as testers can conduct early game build testing without waiting for approval from the Play Market thereby facilitating faster testing processes. Now let us turn our attention to iOS game testing peculiarities. When it comes to testing mobile games for iOS. A standard test plan is usually sufficient and exceptional circumstances are not typically required. Unlike Android devices Apples’ operating systems offer a more streamlined environment for game testing purposes. There are fewer versions of iOS that are compatible with different models of Apple devices. Simplifying the process for testers. Additionally. Users can only download apps from Apple’s official App Store on their iOS devices. This approach helps simplify security related issues during testing procedures.

Top Mobile Game Testing Tools

To perform mobile testing for games designed for HTML5 and other platforms, several specialized tools and methods are available. Here are some notable ones:

  1. Real gadgets: Testing is carried out on actual devices of specific models. While this approach provides accurate and relevant results, it can be costly due to the high development cost associated with mobile games.
  2. Simulators: Simulators imitate the behavior of real devices but may overlook important factors such as load levels, technical device characteristics, and interruptions caused by notifications or calls.
  3. Emulators: Emulators are versatile tools that mimic all aspects of game interaction with a specified device. While there are free versions available, they may not catch all bugs and could potentially be incompatible with certain devices.
  4. In-editors: Game development engines like Unity and Unreal Engine offer QA capabilities to ensure functionality meets requirements. These engines often provide testing checklists or tutorials in their documentation, guiding users on how to conduct tests effectively.

By utilizing these tools, testers can enhance their mobile game testing process and improve the overall quality and performance of the game.

How Top Game Engines Assist in Mobile Game Testing

When utilizing a game engine for development, testing the game within the engine itself can streamline the testing process. Let’s explore the advanced testing features offered by reputable game editor platforms.

Unreal Engine

Testing a mobile game on Unreal Engine becomes more convenient with features like Simulate in Editor and Play in Editor. These options can be accessed through the Tool Panel in the Level Editor or Blueprint Editor. If modifications are necessary, the simulator mode can be paused, allowing edits to be made in the same place.


Unity provides in-editor testing capabilities for mobile games, including the UDP sandbox. Testing can be conducted using an emulator or by connecting a mobile device with the Unity Remote 5 app. It’s important to note that after initial testing, subsequent updates typically do not require retesting of the first version.

Choosing the Best Mobile Game Testing Companies

Mobile game testing is a critical and intricate process that necessitates the involvement of a highly experienced and qualified team of QA engineers to ensure the readiness of the product for release. Relying on luck alone is not recommended. Instead, it is advisable to hire a studio with ample experience that can deliver top-notch quality for your project. Game Ace, for instance, offers a range of advantages when selecting the best company for full-cycle or partial game development, VR/AR games, and quality assurance.

  • With a track record of successfully completing numerous projects for clients worldwide, Game Ace is well-equipped to quickly and effectively refine your project, ensuring the utmost quality.
  • In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, utilizing game engines for mobile game testing offers several advantages. These engines provide a familiar and user-friendly interface that allows testers to navigate and interact with the game more efficiently. The integrated testing features offered by these engines also eliminate the need to switch between different tools or platforms, streamlining the testing workflow.
  • Furthermore, game engines often come with built-in debugging tools that help identify and resolve issues during the testing phase. These tools allow testers to track and analyze variables, inspect the game’s behavior, and pinpoint any errors or glitches that may affect gameplay or performance. With such debugging capabilities, testers can quickly identify the root causes of issues and work towards effective solutions.

Another advantage of testing within a game engine is the ability to simulate various gameplay scenarios and environments. Testers can create specific conditions, manipulate game parameters, and reproduce complex scenarios to assess how the game responds under different circumstances. This enables them to evaluate the game’s stability, responsiveness, and overall user experience across a range of scenarios.

In Conclusion 

Moreover, by testing within the game engine, testers can gather valuable insights and feedback from the development team. 

  • Collaboration between testers and developers becomes more seamless as they can easily communicate and share their findings within the same environment. 
  • This fosters effective communication, accelerates issue resolution, and ensures that the final product meets the desired quality standards.
  • It’s important to note that while in-editor testing provides valuable insights, it should not replace a comprehensive QA process. To achieve the highest level of quality and ensure a bug-free experience for players, engaging a dedicated team of QA professionals is essential. 
  • These experts employ a wide range of testing techniques, including manual and automated testing, compatibility testing on different devices, performance testing, and usability testing.

In conclusion, leveraging the capabilities of top game engines during mobile game testing offers numerous advantages, such as improved efficiency, integrated debugging tools, simulated scenarios, and enhanced collaboration. When combined with a rigorous QA process, these benefits contribute to the development of high-quality, engaging, and successful mobile games that captivate players and stand out in the competitive market.